Eagles in South Africa
African Hawk-Eagle (Aquila spilogaster)
This large eagle prefers woody areas with little density for optimal flying and nesting opportunities. With a 3 foot diameter, the African Hawk-Eagle hunts primarily for small birds, mammals, and reptiles. Dark wings and upper parts are contrasted by white primaries and legs, and an underbelly decorated with dark streaks1.
African Fish-Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer)
This large eagle boasts plumage similar to that of the Bald Eagle, found in the Americas. When perched or flying, the African Fish-Eagle will often screech, even sounding akin to a Bald Eagle. The African Fish-Eagle, as its name implies, preys upon primarily fish, though will often target water fowl, and can be seen feeding on carrion. Scan high tree tops near rivers for a glimpse of this large predator2 .
Ayres's Hawk-Eagle (Hieraaetus ayresii)
The Ayres's Hawk-Eagle, despite its small stature, will dive through canopy to pursue its prey. Doves and pigeons compose the majority of this eagle's diet, though squirrels and fruit bats are also targeted. The Ayres's Hawk-Eagle demonstrates contrast with black upper parts against spotted white under parts, with juveniles maintaining light rufous under parts3 .
Black-Chested Snake Eagle (Circaetus pectoralis)
This large eagle, with its dark head and upper parts contrasting against its white underbelly, has frequently stumps those looking to identify it. Routinely, the Black-Chested Snake Eagle is recognized by half of its meal hanging out of its beak during feeding4.
Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus)
The Booted Eagle resides in woody areas with plenty of clearings, preying upon everything from insects to small mammals and birds. A streaked head and back compliment rufous-spotted legs and underparts, hence the name Booted Eagle5.
Brown Snake Eagle (Circaetus cinereus)
When hunting, this courageous eagle perches high in the woodlands, before swooping low and crushing its intended prey, snakes. The Brown Snake Eagle, while barely scratching 2 feet in height, will often target snakes up to 2 meters long. Bright yellow eyes against dark feathers make the Brown Snake Eagle an intimidating predator.6
Crowned Eagle (Stephanoaetus coronatus)
This literally crowned “hunting machine” will often target prey heavier than itself, such as duiker and vervet monkeys. Dark stripes and spots against white underparts make this “leopard of the sky” vanish among the trees. While not the largest, this powerful eagle is named the Crowned Eagle for the tufted feathers resting upon its head7.
Lesser Spotted Eagle (Clanga pomarina)
The Lesser Spotted Eagle is an opportunistic predator, feeding on a range of insects, reptiles, birds and mammals. Preferring the humid lowlands, these eagles will swoop, dive, or simply walk along the ground to find their prey. Yellow beaks and eyes compliment broad wings with alternating light and dark feathers8 .
Long-Crested Eagle (Lophaetus occipitalis)
The Long-Crested Eagle makes up for its small size with an impressive crest extending off the back of its head, hence the name. Dark in coloration; accented by patches of white, this eagle prefers to feed on small rodents primarily, but can be seen preying on birds, lizards, fruit, fish, and arthropods. This semi-nomadic eagle prefers to breed in areas of high rainfall variation during the wet season9.
Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis)
Defined wing bars, a yellow beak contrasting a dark head, and overall handsomeness make up this large eagle, the Steppe Eagle. Given the name, the Steppe Eagle nests primarily in large semi-arid grasslands. The Steppe Eagle, being an opportunistic hunter, will target mostly small mammals, but will even go so far as to take prey out of the talons of other raptors. This versatile predator has been seen watching soil movement intently, before pouncing and sinking its talons into partially blind mole rats10 .
Tawny Eagle (Aquila rapax)
The Tawny Eagle, like the Steppe Eagle, is a large, intimidating predator that relies mostly on carrion for its meals, but will not shy away from insects, small mammals, birds, or snakes. Black flight feathers, a black accented yellow beak, and a tawny body make up the handsome composure of the Tawny Eagle. The Tawny Eagle avoids dense forest and remains primarily in dry, open habitats, some including savannas and deserts11.
Verreaux's Eagle (Aquila verreauxii)
This large eagle, in terms of its body structure, is similar to the Golden Eagle of the Americas. Black plumage contrasts darkly with a bright yellow beak and eye ring, and a white V can be found on the back, near the shoulders. Mating for life, Verreaux's Eagle is incredibly territorial. Verreaux's Eagle is a professional hunter of hyraxes, occasionally preying on birds or other large rodents12.
Wahlberg's Eagle (Hieraaetus wahlbergi)
This medium sized predator comes in a wide range of colors, some morphs resting at near-pure white, and others very dark brown. In flight, Wahlberg's Eagle is easily recognized by its square tail and straight-edged wings. Wahlberg's Eagle prefers variety in its diet, equally targeting small mammals, birds, and reptiles13.
Alex.lamoreaux. “Raptors of South Africa by Alex Lamoreaux.” Nemesis Bird. April 08, 2011. Accessed December 08, 2018. http://nemesisbird.com/news/raptors-of-south-africa/.
Www.websolve.nl, WEBSOLVE B.V. |. “South Africa.” World-Birds.com. Accessed December 08, 2018. http://www.world-birds.com/birds/a/south-africa.
- “Hawk Eagle.” Http://www.krugerpark.co.za. Accessed December 08, 2018. http://www.krugerpark.co.za/africa_hawk_eagle.html.
- “African Fish Eagle.” Http://www.krugerpark.co.za. Accessed December 08, 2018. http://www.krugerpark.co.za/africa_fish_eagle.html.
- “Ayres's Hawk-eagle Photos and Facts.” Arkive. Accessed December 08, 2018. https://www.arkive.org/ayress-hawk-eagle/hieraaetus-ayresii/.
- GrrlScientist. “Mystery Bird: Black-chested Snake Eagle, Circaetus Pectoralis | @GrrlScientist | Punctuated Equilibrium.” The Guardian. October 11, 2011. Accessed December 08, 2018. https://www.theguardian.com/science/punctuated-equilibrium/2011/oct/11/4.
- “Booted Eagle, Aquila Pennata.” European Raptors: Golden Eagle. Accessed December 08, 2018. http://www.europeanraptors.org/raptors/booted_eagle.html.
- “Kruger Park Birding | Snake EaglesBirding Raptor Guide.” Http://birding.krugerpark.co.za. Accessed December 08, 2018. http://birding.krugerpark.co.za/birding-in-kruger-snake-eagles.html.
- “The African Crowned Eagle – Leopard of the Sky.” ShowMe™ - South Africa. Accessed December 08, 2018. https://showme.co.za/nelspruit/lifestyle/nature-outdoors/the-african-crowned-eagle-leopard-of-the-sky/.
- “Lesser Spotted Eagle Videos, Photos and Facts.” Arkive. Accessed December 08, 2018. https://www.arkive.org/lesser-spotted-eagle/aquila-pomarina/.
- “Long-crested Eagle Videos, Photos and Facts.” Arkive. Accessed December 08, 2018. https://www.arkive.org/long-crested-eagle/lophaetus-occipitalis/.
- “Steppe Eagle Videos, Photos and Facts.” Arkive. Accessed December 08, 2018. https://www.arkive.org/steppe-eagle/aquila-nipalensis/.
- “Tawny Eagle - Facts, Diet & Habitat Information.” Animal Corner. Accessed December 08, 2018. https://animalcorner.co.uk/animals/tawny-eagle/.
- “Verreaux's or African Black Eagle (Aquila Verreauxii).” Beauty of Birds. Accessed December 08, 2018. https://www.beautyofbirds.com/verreauxseagles.html.
- “Wahlberg's Eagle Photos and Facts.” Arkive. Accessed December 08, 2018. https://www.arkive.org/wahlbergs-eagle/aquila-wahlbergi/.